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2023 Week Without Walls

Aurum Prep

For one week a year at Aurum Preparatory Academy, we completely flip our model of teaching and learning upside down. We expand our reach beyond the 4 walls of our classroom, put our design thinking into practice, and apply what we’ve learned. Design thinking is all about taking apart ideas, looking at all angles and creating something new. Learning how to see and create more possibilities and solve problems through innovation is a foundational skill at our tuition-free, public middle school.

wo Aurum Preparatory Academy teachers place large spiral bound texts on top of small bridges made out of popsicle sticks that are suspended between two desks

During Week Without Walls, each grade level takes on a project that incorporates things they learned from their classes. This year, the projects were based around these 3 themes:

• 6th Grade: Superhero Project

• 7th Grade: Social Justice Mosaic

• 8th Grade: Bridge Engineering Project

Aurum students are completely in charge of their projects: from planning to execution and presentation. Our teachers are available to guide and offer resources when needed. Often, the questions our students seek to answer can only be found outside the school walls. This year, for example, we took students to the African American Museum and Library at Oakland to conduct research and consult primary source documents for our 7th grade Social Justice Mosaic project.

The completed projects are something to celebrate. From poetry, to clay figurines to tile mosaics and popsicle stick bridges, check out the awesome work of our students:

Four Aurum Preparatory Academy students pose with their project for Week Without Walls. There is a computer and a small clay creation on the table in front of them.

At the end of this week, we celebrate the student’s achievements with a school wide exhibition. Students are tasked with sharing their projects, as well as reflecting upon the process of learning and the challenges they met. All families are invited to visit our school to view and learn about the projects.

At Aurum Preparatory Academy, we believe in putting our 6th-8th grade students in charge of their learning so they may develop skills that will support them to succeed in high school, college and life. We have a few spots available for Fall 2023 and we invite you to join us for Design Thinking and so much more.

An Aurum Preparatory Academy family member views the projects completed during Week Without Walls. On the table is a tile mosaic of a butterfly.

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About Aurum Prep

Aurum Preparatory Academy teaches college preparation, character development, and design thinking to students in Oakland, Ca. Through rigorous instruction and positive character education, Aurum Prep educates all students in grades 6 through 8 to succeed in high school, college, and life, and serve as the next generation of moral leaders. Enroll your middle school student today.

The future begins today. At Aurum Prep, our students are taking the steps they need to celebrate today, and make tomorrow brighter. Learn more about enrolling your student at our tuition-free middle school:

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